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Rebecca Simmons

Being a mom of five, with one on the way, lovely rambunctious children I often find I'm forgetting to take care of myself. Sometimes we have to lose ourselves to find who we really are and want to be. Through my schooling and experiences I found focusing on others and their homes helped me find a part of me and something I love to do.


There is a scripture that was a big part of my journey in finding

House of Order. In one of my church's sacred text it reads,


Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.


This screamed at me, even though I’ve read it many times, to get my life in ORDER!!

I really enjoy helping people learn to love their home as I have. Creating House of Order | Self. Home. Love. has helped my relationships grow with myself, family, friends, and God.  


My hope for anyone that finds this page is that you will join me by bringing peace and joy  through having Order in Self, Home, & Love.

Aldeana Weltz
Lead Organizer

I've always had a passion for caring for others. I am the oldest of 3 girls, so at a young age, I started taking care of my sisters to help my parents get away for some much-needed alone time. I am heavily involved in my church. I participate in children's ministry, youth ministry, and other things our church does to help our community. I've always had a knack for organization and have always been very tidy.


Now working here for House of Order, I find great joy in helping others organize and tidy up their place so they too can enjoy their space with systems that are easy to follow and make day-to-day life run smoothly.

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